Membership Form

(registered charity no. 235930)

Title ______  Surname_____________________________________________


Address _________________________________________________________

__________________________________________Postcode ______________


Email address _____________________________



I consent to the use of the information I have provided for the management of membership as detailed in Exeter & District Mencap's Data protection notice, of which I have been given a copy(see below).

Signed __________________________________  Date________________

Please return to:  The Secretary  13 Henty Avenue  Dawlish  Devon EX7 0AP


Data Protection Policy

(Reg. Charity no. 235930)

The government has introduced  new rules (GDPR*)  to make sure that any organisations that hold information about you, protects that information so it cannot be misused. Any information you provide to us regarding your membership will only be used for the purposes of running Exeter & District Mencap Society, it will never be disclosed for any marketing purposes.

What information does Exeter & District Mencap hold?
* Your name
* Your address
* Your email address
* Your phone number (voluntary)

Who holds this information?
* The Secretary
* The Membership Secretary
* The Treasurer

How is your information used?
To contact you to inform you of any Workshops or meetings (including the AGM) which may be of interest to you.

We do not give your details to anyone else.

If you wish to see the information that we hold on you, or you have any concerns/complaints you can in the 1st place:
* contact the secretary
* or write to:  The Secretary  13 Henty Avenue  Dawlish  Devon EX7 0AP
* If this does not resolve your complaint, go to the ico website

Please sign the section of your membership form to say that you have been given this information.       
Many thanks